
My name is Thakshana Yogeswaran and I am a media student at The Latymer School. My candidate number is 9179.

I am working in Group 3 with Gift Emesi (9044), Angela Chen (9025) and Monica Aghadiuno (9365)

In order to view my work please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 evaluation.

Group 3 - Music Video

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Thursday, 2 October 2014

Continuity Task Evaluation

This is the continuity sequence that my group filmed and edited. 

1. Who did you work with and how did you manage the task between you?

I worked with Angela, Eddie and Mario. I feel like we worked really well as a group because we all had an input in the final product and everyone listened to each others ideas. We all contributed to the idea and the narrative of the sequence as we all agreed on a particular genre, comedy. Eddie drew out the storyboard while we all contributed and dictated what he should draw and write. He also filmed and framed most of the shots. Angela wrote out the shot list in the shoot order that we planned to do and any props we needed to make the shoot day as efficient as possible. She also directed the shots and did the clapperboard. Mario and I were actors in the sequence but we also helped with the pre-production. I wrote out the script and helped Eddie frame the shots that I was not in. We split into pairs to edit our sequence and I was paired with Angela. We shared out the editing task and worked really closely in order to get the match on action as good as we could.

I worked with these three people; Angela, Eddie and Mario.

2. How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use? What theories did you try to take into account?

We planned our sequence collectively as a group, all sharing out the work that needed to be done although we did make all the important decisions like the narrative, dialogue, action and framing of the shots together. We tried to incorporate the three main theories listed in the brief; match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. We used a variety of different processes in order to plan our sequence efficiently. We did a rehearsal the day before which meant all of us knew the narrative and action really well.


One of the processes we used was a storyboard. It was a very helpful process for us as it meant that we all knew how the shots should look which made the job easier for all of us. It also meant that if any of us had forgotten a shot we could refer back to the storyboard and figure it out. It also helped a lot with editing as it told us what order to put our shots.

Shot list and shoot schedule

Another process we used was a shot list and shooting schedule. This meant that on the shoot day we could easily shoot the shots in a logical order according to their location. This made the job so much easier as we didn't have to waste time on the day deciding when to shoot the shots. It saved us a lot of time and meant that we had more time filming which was more important.


We also used a script which aided the efficiency of our shoot day as Mario and I both knew our lines and there wasn't many retakes of the shots. 

3. What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it?

Canon HF G30 and shotgun microphone

We used a Canon HF G30 to film the shots and a shot gun microphone for the audio. Eddie did most of the filming work with the camera and Angela did the sound check.

Adobe Premiere Pro
We used an editing software called Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the sequence. We had to re watch the shots then choose the ones we wanted to use in our sequence. Then, we had to cut the shots we took using in and out points and place them on the timeline. We also used the razor tool to cut some of the shots in between. For the audio, we adjusted the level of sound so that it was consistent throughout.

4.What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?

We had to take into account a lot of factors. When we were planning we had to consider our location as we were shooting in a school and there were factors such as the bell and school children walking around that we had to plan around which I feel we did really well. We also had to take into account the lighting, framing, sound, dialogue, action and camera movement. When shooting we also had to take into account location and as there was also another group filming we had to take into account the times that we took our shots as in the middle of some of our shots we could see the other group in the background meaning we had to re-film those shots. Whilst editing we really had to consider our match on action as it had to be as near to perfect as possible in order to avoid a jump cut. We had to cut and match our shot/reverse shots for our conversation as well so we had to take into account the timings to get a perfect match. We also had to take into account the 30 degree rule which meant that we couldn't use our master shot as much as we wanted to as it was too similar to the conversation shots which would've broken the 30 degree rule and the continuity of our sequence.

5. How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently?

In my opinion, I think that our sequence was very successful as it followed the brief exactly and we used the three main techniques they asked us to use well. Our sequence had match on action, used the 180 degree rule and the shot/reverse shot effectively for the conversation. We edited it well and the main aim of this task was continuity and I think that our sequence flowed really well and had a good narrative structure to it. We also used a lot of genre signifiers so that the audience could identify it easily. In hindsight, I would like to film an extra two-shot of the conversation as in our sequence there were a lot of shot/reverse shots continuously and having a two-shot in the middle would have broken it up a bit and made it a bit more easy on the eye and more enjoyable for the audience. I would have also drawn a neater storyboard which would have made it easier for us to read and understand. 

6. What have you learnt from completing this task? Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing the rest of your foundation coursework, do you think?

  • I have learnt loads of continuity techniques such as the 180 degree rule, the 30 degree rule, shot/reverse shot and match on action. 
  • I have also learnt that it's always good to film some extra shots even if you weren't initially planning to use them as they may come in handy when editing. 
  • The master shot is vital as you can cut back to it whenever you need.
  • Planning is a very important step in pre-production as it makes the shoot days so much more easier and you can use your time more efficiently for filming.
  • I have also learnt lots of editing techniques such as the in and out points, using the razor tool and how to get the match on action as near to perfect as possible. 
  • I have learnt how to avoid jump cuts and breaking vital rules such as the 180 degree rule and the 30 degree rule. 
All of this learning will be significant to the rest of my foundation coursework as the brief is to film an opening sequence which means I have to use the continuity techniques in order to aid the narrative flow of my sequence. I also have to use the pre-production skills that I have learnt to make the filming as efficient and easy as possible. 

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