
My name is Thakshana Yogeswaran and I am a media student at The Latymer School. My candidate number is 9179.

I am working in Group 3 with Gift Emesi (9044), Angela Chen (9025) and Monica Aghadiuno (9365)

In order to view my work please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 evaluation.

Group 3 - Music Video

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Sunday, 1 November 2015

R+P Post 16: My Band or Artist

As a group we decided that we want to create a girl band with 4 members because we feel like there's a gap in the market for a girl band as aside from Little Mix and Fifth Harmony, we don't really hear of any other famous girl bands right now.


Name of band: D4MES
Members: 4 
Ages: 17-19
Ethnicity: All mixed

We want to create a girl band who are relatable to the audience and who can convey certain messages that the audience will actually listen to. In order to do this we decided to give each member of the band an individual, unique character trait that is associated to that person only. The table to your left showcases this.

In order to make them even more relatable, all four of them are best friends who grew up in the same neighbourhood. They sing whenever and wherever, even in the streets and they just love doing it. It's a common passion that they all share. They got signed to Soho Records because one of the talent managers saw them performing at a gig in North London and thought they were amazing.


1. MO
MO are a British trio who formed in 2012 and are signed to Polydor Records. We love their street/urban style that they have. It looks cool, hip and still relevant at the same time. We want our own band to showcase this style. They also dance a lot in their music videos and their fun, easy an quirky style is also something we want our band to mimic.

2. Fifth Harmony 

Fifth Harmony literally emulate female power whether it's through their music videos or just their identity as a whole. We want our band's identity to be of a similar style and we want to portray a strong message of female empowerment, we can do anything that we set our minds to. We want to be able to inspire other women to be strong and brave. We want to play our part in advertising the message.

3. Neon Jungle 

Again, in terms of identity, Neon Jungle are an ethnically diverse group who work really well together. They're image is again quite street/urban but they can also pull off the classy look as shown by some of the pictures. We want our band to be quite ethnically diverse to break any racial stereotypes that may be prevalent in the music industry.

4. The Spice Girls 

This inspiration is also more for identity. Even though The Spice Girls were a five-piece band, each individual band member had a unique personality trait. There was the posh spice, the scary spice, the sporty spice, the baby spice and the ginger spice. This made the band a lot more relatable to the audience as they could choose the person who they had most in common with. Similarly, we want to have unique personality traits within our band as well.

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