
My name is Thakshana Yogeswaran and I am a media student at The Latymer School. My candidate number is 9179.

I am working in Group 3 with Gift Emesi (9044), Angela Chen (9025) and Monica Aghadiuno (9365)

In order to view my work please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 evaluation.

Group 3 - Music Video

Inside Panels

Inside Panels
Our Digipack, top left - back, top right - front, bottom left - inside panel, bottom right - inside panel (CD)
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Sunday, 15 March 2015

Contruction Post 4: Reflections on Edit Week 1

This is the schedule that we used to record down when we were editing and make sure we had enough edit sessions to finish our final cut. We had to have a very intensive edit schedule in order to achieve that. 

12B Media - Our lesson times, most of which were used for editing

We have eight periods in a school day each lasting 40minutes and some of these periods are free periods. We all edited in as many free periods as we could. The edit schedule helped us to be efficient with our editing as any of us could come in and work on the project rather than waiting until all three of us were available. This helped us spread out the editing evenly and everyone had a go at everything.

Window where you view your rushes


Window where you can effects to your shots.
What we have achieved so far:

  • We've cut our sequence together and made sure we have perfect match-on-action on each shot so as not to break the continuity of the sequence
  • We've added in our chosen music track "The Life of Riley" a copyright free music track which we downloaded from a website called Incomptech 
  • We've overlayed our titles onto our shots but we now have to add transitions to them so that they don't just appear. We made the titles on Adobe Premiere Pro and changed the font from the rough cut as we felt the new font fit with our genre better than the previous one. 

  • We've added the sound effects of an alarm clock at the beginning and also a notification sound for a text message.
What went well:
  • We are happy with the way our opening sequence is looking so far, the continuity and the pace is so much better than with the test shoot. 
  • The new shots that we added work well and help connote our genre well.
  • The feedback from all three staff members were positive apart from a few constructive criticisms which we can fix during our back up shoot.
  • We have showed it to other members of our class and it has made them laugh so that made us very happy.
  • The music track fits in well with the opening sequence and the titles look a lot better
What we need to work on:
  • For the back up shoot we decided we do not have to re-film many shots as we are happy with the majority of the shots
  • We are re-filming the shot of him putting on his shorts which gives us an opportunity to correct the mistake of him wearing Calvin Klein boxers and replacing it with just plain boxers. Initially we wanted to try and buy some Superhero boxers but we had limited time and the delivery would not have reached us in time. 
  • We are going to re-film all the outdoor shots because as I mentioned previously there is a lot of background noise from the wind and since the weather is supposed to be a lot sunnier this weekend, hopefully, we can overcome this issue. 
  • We have to rewrite and re-record our voiceover because it doesn't fit well with our sequence now and there are loads of gaps where nothing is being said.

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