Now that we have our footage from our test shoot we must watch through them and pick out our best shots. Once we have decided which shots to use we have to edit it together in Adobe Premiere Pro to create our rough cut. Once the basic sequence has been made we can overlay our titles, music and voiceover.
Here is our finished rough cut:
After editing together our rough cut we realised that we had a lot of work and re-planning to do before our main shoot as we weren't really satisfied with the way it looked. We also got feedback from the teachers and after quite a long chat with all three of them we came to the conclusion that we had a lot of improving to do. So, we went back to our storyboard and timeline and removed the shots we no longer wanted and added shots that we felt would work really well.
Our planned improvements:
We plan to get rid of this alarm clock shot but in it's place just have the alarm clock sound effect so as not to slow down the action.
We also want to film this shot from a lot lower (bed level) and also have him roll out of bed to add to the comedic value of our opening sequence.
We also want to change the font and placing of the titles. We feel that the font of the titles we have now don't really fit our genre so we intend to change this.
There were quite a few jump cuts in our rough cut because we didn't film our actor's walking on and off screen so it was hard to cut the shot to fit in with the rest of the sequence without breaking continuity. It was also because we kept breaking the 30 degree rule as it was hard to realise when filming whether or not we were sticking to the rule.
The continuity between these three door shots were broken because we broke the 30 degree rule. In order to amend this we will film the whole thing as one shot and that way we can avoid breaking continuity.
We also decided that we want to scrap the shot of him throwing the clothes onto the bed as it was challenging to shoot and hard to make it work in terms of continuity, Instead he's just going to pick out two equally ugly outfits, hold them up, then pick one.
We weren't really satisfied that the shirt he was wearing really connoted what we wanted it to. It wasn't what we envisioned so we have to pick out a new shirt that we feel fits our genre and our character.
We also decided to scrap this shot of him making his tea and spilling it down himself as the shot is really long and slows down the pace of the opening sequence and doesn't really add much to it. It was also really hard to achieve the shot of him spilling the tea as it was hard to get a natural response from the actor to the spilt tea and it doesn't work effectively with the rest of the opening sequence.
Our planned new shots:
- Rolls out of bed onto the floor
- Opens curtain
- Circles his date on a gaming calender
- Walks out of shower with a white bathrobe on
- Shot of just his feet where we see him drop his bathrobe
- Puts on shorts
- Chooses between two ugly shirts by holding them up
- He's ready early this time and decides to sit down and play some games
- Gets a text from his date asking him where he is which finally distracts him from his game and he realises he's running late
- He runs down the stairs and straight out of his house
- The interaction between Guy and Bella will be longer so that the audience understand why she wants to get away from him
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