
My name is Thakshana Yogeswaran and I am a media student at The Latymer School. My candidate number is 9179.

I am working in Group 3 with Gift Emesi (9044), Angela Chen (9025) and Monica Aghadiuno (9365)

In order to view my work please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 evaluation.

Group 3 - Music Video

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Saturday, 10 October 2015

R+P Post 6: Current Trends in Popular Music

Currently, in the UK pop music is still the most listened to music genre as shown by the research conducted by BPI and the chart from from Statista that I found during my research into this.

Research conducted by BPI.
Taken from Statista website.
However, both of these things also showcase the rise of people who listen to rock music and also dance music. Recently, the EDM (electronic dance music) has been dominating the charts with songs such as 'Where Are U Now' by Skrillex and Diplo ft. Justin Bieber. This is a massive hit tune with over 250million views on YouTube and also reached the within the top 10 on the charts.

It also shows that people have a varied music taste. Although, pop is the most popular, the other genres still have sales and since this survey was conducted in 2014, I feel like this year pop music will have an even less percentage compared to the others.

This is the official top 10 songs of this week (18-25th October 2015). As you can see there a lot of other genres other than pop that feature and the number one song is of the house genre.


The way people consume music has changed massively. Online platforms such as Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud etc have made it easier for the audience to stream music onto different platforms like their phones, iPods, computers and so on.

As shown above by the Statista graph, we can see that in 2015, the digital consumption of music has overtaken buying the physical CD by quite a lot. There has also been a rise in the percentage of people who stream music legally compared to 2014.

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