
My name is Thakshana Yogeswaran and I am a media student at The Latymer School. My candidate number is 9179.

I am working in Group 3 with Gift Emesi (9044), Angela Chen (9025) and Monica Aghadiuno (9365)

In order to view my work please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 evaluation.

Group 3 - Music Video

Inside Panels

Inside Panels
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Saturday, 10 October 2015

R+P Post 8: Possible Tracks for the Single

After considering a long list of possible tracks, I have managed to whittle the long list down to three tracks that I feel would be ideal to create a music video for. 

1. Confident - Demi Lovato

I really liked this song because even though it has a good rhythm, the lyrics convey a deeper message. The artist, Demi Lovato, has been through a lot of online bullying through people body shaming her and commenting negative things about her appearance. This song is almost her reply to those haters and letting them know that regardless of what they think, she's confident. Below I have made a table highlighting the pros and cons of potentially choosing this song: 

2. Locked Away - R.City ft. Adam Levine

The main reason why I would like to do this song is because of how catchy it is. The first time I heard this song, I was in the car with my mum and as soon as it came on I was dancing along to it and went on my phone straight away to find out what it was called and who was involved in it. I feel like if we did this song, it would be a lot easier to attract the audiences' attention because of the beat and the fusion of pop and reggae. It's different to the usual chart music that you get. Below I have made a table highlighting the pros and cons of potentially choosing this song:

3. Red Planet - Little Mix 

This song also has quite a catchy beat and rhythm. It is also a band song so everyone in our group can be involved in the video. We can interpret the lyrics as passion and love as the connotations of red are consistent throughout. We can also use this song to break the stereotypical representation of women in music videos and be strong and powerful. Below I have made a table highlighting the pros and cons of potentially choosing this song: 

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