
My name is Thakshana Yogeswaran and I am a media student at The Latymer School. My candidate number is 9179.

I am working in Group 3 with Gift Emesi (9044), Angela Chen (9025) and Monica Aghadiuno (9365)

In order to view my work please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 evaluation.

Group 3 - Music Video

Inside Panels

Inside Panels
Our Digipack, top left - back, top right - front, bottom left - inside panel, bottom right - inside panel (CD)
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Monday 2 March 2015

R+P Post 12: Our Animatic

An animatic is also a visual representation of our opening sequence idea but in the form of a video which includes music and also the voiceover. We already had all the shots drawn for the storyboard so to make the animatic we had to take photos of the individual shots and edit them together in Adobe Premiere Pro with the music track and voiceover.
Here is our animatic: 

It was quite a simple process creating the animatic but the lessons we learnt from it were very valuable.

What we learnt from our animatic:
  • Some of our shots were far too long so it gave us a better understanding of the timing of the shots.
  • The voiceover that we originally recorded didn't really fit in with any of the shots and there were also massive gaps between every time he speaks so we decided to rewrite the whole voiceover and also add in actual dialogue just to mix it up a bit and keep in interesting.
  • The music track also didn't really go with the shots so decided to change this too.
Once these changes have been made we will be ready to move onto our shoot-board.

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